My first comment about this movie is (FUCK that was entertaining) lol

I’m not usually a major fan of animated movies, but Sausage Party is definitely one i am proud to have seen.

Now although this movie is an adult comedy with everything you need to laugh you’re ass off, it also has a very deep underlining message, which i found great about the movie.

In a supermarket called Shopwell’s, the foods and other grocery items see the human shoppers as gods who take them to “the great beyond” when they are purchased, the great beyond being like heaven to them where they believe they will be treated well for eternity, when unbeknown to them as soon as they are taken home, they are boiled, cut up, fried and made into food.


So basically the movie is about the general public being fooled by their religion and believing the gods love them, and those few who try to teach them the truth about religion, which are never believed and seen as crazy.


I know it seems deep, but when you watch it you will understand, and its done so well and extremely entertaining, that you will enjoy every second of it.


Seth Rogan, Jonah Hill, James Franko, Kristen Wiig, Michael Cera, Selma Hayek, Edward Norton, Paul Rudd, Danny McBride, Bill Hader, Craig Robinson & more. And with a cast like that, you can’t go wrong.

Carl (Jonah Hill, 2nd), Barry (Michael Cera, 3d) and Frank (Seth Rogen, rt) in Columbia Pictures’ SAUSAGE PARTY.

The movie is a laugh start to finish, and has a very erm….CLIMACTIC ending… lol i can’t put into words what the last 5 minutes are like, except maybe (FOOD PORN).. i mean literal “FOOD PORN”, you have to see it to believe it lol.

– DO NOT WATCH THIS FILM WITH YOUR PARENTS – You’ll never look at food the same again lol.


All in all for a adult comedy of its kind, (which has never been done before) i give Sausage Party an 8 out of 10 .

Thoroughly entertained.

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